Welcome to the Warkton Parish Council website
This site is organised by the parish council and will have information about all council activities and records and is intended to provide local information about activities that are up and coming as well as reporting on those that have occurred in the recent past.
Having a Parish Council gives all an opportunity to work together and, as parishioners, you can have your say on village matters by raising areas of concern, whether it be rubbish on the streets, weeds, issues with paths or lights that aren’t working. Hopefully as a community we can work together to solve any issues with the objective to improve our village environment.
The council meets at least 4 times a year and, as well as being listed here, council notices and other matters of interest are posted on the notice board located on the wall outside the village hall neaest to the church. These meetings are open for the village to attend and are held in the Village Hall.
Latest Agendas
The most recent agendas for past and upcoming council meetings can be found here
Latest Minutes
The latest approved minutes from council meetings can be found here
Latest News
- Defibrillator at the Village HallThere is a defibrillator at the village hall and information about how to use it is detailed on the following page: https://warktonparishcouncil.org.uk/defibrillator/
- Age UK Northamptonshire Open DayDate: Friday 25th April Venue: The William and Patricia Venton Centre, York Road, Northampton NN1 5QJ Time: 11am to 1pm Enquiries: 01604 611200
- Maintenance Work – Approx Dates 2nd April 2024 – 12th April 2024There will be scaffolding going over the full width of the footpath as attached. Access will still be available underneath. There will be safety netting in place. Please see here for map of area affected. Read more…
- Anglian Water Notice of Works18th March 2024 – expected completion June 2024. Please see letter and map here for further details.